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Plantation Campaign are organized by Shiksha Kranti-GESM-Ngo in different parts of Himachal and outside Himachal to make people aware about the conservation of environment. Each grow a plant is the environment initiative of Shiksha Kranti-GESM-NGO Solan


We are an NGO named 'Global Education Sensitisation Society' (registered under society registration act) working in the field of education under the courtesy title Shiksha-Kranti at Solan, Himachal Pradesh India. We exclusively envision a spiritual and cultural upliftment of India, free from the scourge of pollution and corruption. Under our flagship project Swachhatagrah we have focused on developing skills and values in students. Similarly, we have laid an equal emphasis on educating the masses regarding the crisis of rampant pollution and corruption in India. We the Swachhtagrahis of Shiksha-Kranti aim at executing our project SWACHHTAGRAH as a sub-theme of Swachh Bharat Mission in co-ordination with the Ministry of Environment, Forest and climate change of India.

शिक्षा-क्रांति ने "स्वच्छता के सिद्धांत" को हमेशा अपने स्वार्थ से उपर रखा है |देश में अनेक रूपों में व्याप्त भ्रष्टाचार के चलते, शिक्षा-क्रांति अपने प्रोजेक्ट 'स्वच्छताग्रह' को सुचारू रूप से आगे ले जाने के लिए वांछित धन  (समाज और प्रकृति सेवा करने के लिए ज़रूरी ग्रांट-इन-ऐड) के नाम से अभी तक (1.10.2016) एक पैसा भी नहीं जुटा पाई है |

ग़नीमत है कि संस्था को देश के जागरुक नागरिकों द्वारा एक रुपया प्रति दिन सर्वजन हित के सफाई के कार्य के लिए दान दिया जा रहा है | 

शिक्षा-क्रांति is soon going to resume its publication ‘India Redeeming- Education & Literary Quarterly’, started in 2011, but held over in 2012 due to an inordinate delay in getting the recommendation letter of subscription form the concerned department of Higher Education of HP. 

​​Call us:

+91 98170 61520

+91 82196 62347

​Find us: 

Shiksha Kranti, Global Education Sensitization Society,

C/O Satyan School of Languages, Opp. Degree College Gate

Rajgarh Road, Kotlanala, Solan 173212

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